Biblical Counseling

We believe that the Lord has equipped the church to be his institution of life-change here on this earth. The tool given by God to the church for “life and godliness” is the completed work of the Scriptures. The Scriptures are a timeless resource that reveal God’s teaching on the problems plaguing man as well as the solutions for transformation. It is for this reason that we are firmly committed to counseling the problems people face in this life according to the all-sufficient Word of God. Our methodology is philosophically aligned with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC) and we currently offer counseling from ACBC certified staff.

We offer counseling services for a range of issues that may be plaguing you in this life. From common relational problems and marriage struggles, to enslaving addictions and serious mental-illness, our desire is that you get the spiritual help that you need to overcome in this life. Counseling at DRBC is free of charge and welcome for all. If your desire is to change for the glory of God and you are willing to accept the truth of His Word for your life, then reach out to us about how we can minister to you during whatever trial you may be facing.

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