
We believe that the local church is God’s institution that he has designed to carry out the great commission on earth (Matthew 28:18-20). The great commission itself is a directive to make disciples who will be shepherded by leaders in the context of the local church to then go out and reciprocate this same process. It is for this reason, that we are committed to embracing our responsibility to proclaim the gospel, plant churches, and train ministers.  

St. George is situated in one of the least evangelical regions in our entire Nation. We are surrounded by both false religion and secularism in great abundance. Taking our direction from Scripture, Desert Ridge Baptist Church has organized its missions efforts under a framework implied by Acts 1:8. Just as the disciples were sent out to their city, their region, and their world, so we desire to proactively pursue initiatives of gospel ministry in St. George, in Southern Utah, and out to the furthest reaches of the globe.  

Local Outreach

We are engaged in regular evangelical outreach efforts in St. George, including gospel ministry on the campus of Utah Tech University which sits only one block from the church. We also encourage each member of our congregation to be purposeful about speaking the truth of Christ to those in their spheres of influence.

Regional Outreach

We are in the process of seeking the Lord’s wisdom and direction to plant another church in one of our surrounding areas. The need for biblically sound disciple-making churches in Southwestern Utah is immense. It is our desire that DRBC would be a hub for church planting in this region.

Foreign Outreach

Our emphasis in foreign missions is driven by the great commission, to see new disciples made, churches established, and indigenous leaders raised up. We seek to be faithful in this effort by partnering with like-minded ministries who are engaged in biblically-derived missions efforts. This commitment has led us to partner with The Master’s Academy International in an effort to train pastors in North Africa and the Middle East. This region represents a portion of the globe that is in great need of sound Bible expositors to lead their local churches well. It is our hope that this partnership will help facilitate the kind of training these men so desperately need.

Also, because we see the local church as God’s “training and sending agency” for foreign missions, our ultimate goal is to identify and reach unengaged people with the gospel through our own congregation’s commitment. We are currently investigating how we may reach those who have never heard the good news of the gospel in remote locations.

For more information about our commitment to the great commission, or how you may support the gospel work of Desert Ridge Baptist Church, contact: drbc@drbc.us

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