Statement on CRT/Intersectionality

Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality are antithetical to a biblical worldview. Rather than promoting love for God and love for others, the commandments on which depend all of the Law and the Prophets according to our Lord Jesus (Matthew 22:34-40), CRT/I ideology begins by dividing people into socio-economic groups of oppressors/oppressed, regardless of the behavior of individuals. This hateful belief system cannot be reconciled with a Christian approach to life. At the 2021 Annual Meeting, the SBC did not specifically separate from these deadly ideas that are inherently connected to an atheistic, Marxist worldview. Because of this and because of a lack of clear commitment to biblical truth regarding several issues among SBC leaders and some SBC entities, DRBC has stopped contributing to SBC causes from our undesignated receipts. This means that we no longer are sending contributions to the SBC Cooperative Program because to do so would require violation of conscience. See our letter to the SBC Executive Committee below. 


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Brothers of the Executive Committee; 
It is with regret that we inform you that we will no longer be sending financial aid to the SBC through the Cooperative Program. In light of the recent decisions or lack of them at this year’s annual meeting especially in regards to Critical Race Theory our leadership team had no other choice because we are devoted to a biblical worldview. 
We are enclosing a copy of a resolution that we helped to draft along with our sister churches of the Color Country Association of Baptist churches in our local area. 
Soli Deo Gloria 

In 2020, DRBC participated in drafting and presenting a resolution for the Color Country Baptist Association to ask the Utah Idaho Southern Baptist Convention to submit a resolution for the SBC to rescind Resolution 9, which was passed at the SBC Annual meeting in 2019. The following is the text of the resolution adopted by the CCBA on October 18, 2020: 

Resolution from the CCBA to the UISBC regarding Resolution 9, 2019 

Whereas, at the 2019 SBC national meeting, a resolution was passed accepting “Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality” (CRT/I) as valid tools for interpreting Scripture and ordering the actions of Christ’s Church, and 

Whereas, insufficient time for discussion of CRT/I on the floor of the meeting was allotted, and  

Whereas, CRT/I points away from the biblical categories of sin and righteousness to the categories of “oppressed” and “oppressor” we are convinced that CRT/I is not a useful “analytical tool” for the explanation of Scripture, most specifically as it regards the presentation of the biblical plan of salvation, and 

Whereas, we are very concerned about that the inroads that the contemporary “Social Justice” movement, which is largely motivated by CRT/I rather than by biblical truth, has made in the Southern Baptist Convention, and 

Whereas, we are very concerned that, by adopting CRT/I, the saints of God are choosing to follow the culture rather than Christ and, in so doing, will continue to neglect our role in actively seeking true, biblical justice, 

Therefore, be it resolved that the Color Country Baptist Association, although we recognize the autonomy of our member churches, as an Association stands against the adoption of CRT/I by any SBC entity, and   

Be it further resolved that the Color Country Baptist Association task a brother or sister in good standing with submitting a similar resolution to the Utah/Idaho Southern Baptist Convention, for their adoption, as well as requesting that they, in turn, task a brother or sister in good standing with presenting a similar resolution for consideration at the 2021 annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention.